The Korean Peninsula contributing to establish values for the next era that humanity should pursue to evolve into a future society.

Values to Pursue for the Next Era

The need for a new ideology to be revered in the civilizational transition to the future digital society.

Just as industrial society developed by pursuing the values ​​of freedom and equality, human life needs to evolve through new values to pursue.

Discovering the values of the new era through the convergence of various conflicting values such as East and West, reason and emotion, freedom and equality, conservatism and progressivism, etc.

The Korean Peninsula, with the experience of East and West, reason and emotion, liberalism and communism, contributes to future society by converging conflicting values.

We are at a point of civilizational transition. The values of freedom and equality, which were pursued in industrial societies, are still cherished in our society, but they are not able to offer a vision for the future society to resolve the current contradictions such as overcoming unsustainability and social transformation brought about by digitaliztion.

Just as digital is dramatically changing our lives, our lives must also evolve in a mature and healthy way through new values. Human life has evolved by discovering and revering these new ideas and values.

Values that are currently in conflict, such as East and West, reason and emotion, freedom and equality, conservatism and progressivism, can be sublimated into the values of the new era through the process of complementary fusion. This is a process of creating a value in a new level by harmoniously combining various values.

The Korean Peninsula is an eastern society with Confucian traditions, yet it has also a western society characteristic, embracing western religions. It is also a society that combines reason and emotion, with strong emotions creating the so-called "Korean Wave." At the same time, it is a place with painful experience of division of ideologies, with freedom and equality again dividing liberal South Korea and communist North Korea. Korean Peninsula contribute to the evolution of a safe and healthy future society by discovering new future values through the complementary convergence of conflicting values.

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